About Westwind Milling Company - Certified organic flour and mixes, Michigan organic stone milled flour

The Stone Mill
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The Farm
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~Farm Rules
Westwind's CSA

Our Mission


Westwind Farm

Dear Friends,

Welcome to our very unique flour mill and store, where we have been milling fresh flours for your good health since 2001. Our stone mill grinds only certified organic, Michigan grown grains into fresh flours daily.

In our separate gluten free mill, we grind US grown, non-GMO gluten free grains as a healthy alternative for today's consumer who cannot digest wheat and related grains. We make many varieties of baking mixes based on both the traditional flours as well as the gluten free varieties.

Most food in America today comes from a far away place where the conditions surrounding its production involve exploitation, pollution, erosion, and the overuse of fossil fuels. As a result, people have become disconnected with what they eat, where their food comes from, and thus, their ability to be connected with who they are.

We want to show that this does not have to be.It is not the only way. We provide food that is healthy for your body, healthy for the environment, and healthy for the local economy.

We grow grains without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, in soil that has been enriched with green manures and compost, by rotating crops and allowing the soil to rest.

This place is a resource that Michigan consumers want and need. Come take part in helping to create a healthier, more sustainable world!

Lee and Linda

Millers of Certified Organic, Michigan Grown Grains
and Growers of Fresh, Organic Foods

"We Grow It, We Mill It, We Bake It"

Lee and Linda Purdy, Owners

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